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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Learn The Secrets To Playing All Your Favorite Slow Worship Songs By Ear, Guaranteed!

Learn how to play all of your favorite slow worship songs by ear with Gospelkeys 202 Special Edition. Learn chord progressions, licks, tricks and much, much more. Click here to learn more.

These are some examples of the kind of stuff you will learn, are you ready?

Buckle up and check out these videos...

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

FREE 2-5-1 Progressions


My name is Lucion Pennant. If you are on my blog, then you are bound to learn something.

Let me tell you a little about a 2-5-1 chord progression, and then I will give you some free chords for you to go and practice. Remember, the more you practice, the better you will become.

What is a 2-5-1 Chord Progression?

This is simply a 2 chord progressing to a 5 chord, which progresses to a 1 chord (If you keep reading, I will give examples)

It is very important for you to be familiar with the concept of a 2-5-1 progression because they are used in almost every song there is, in all genres of music.

Here is a little secret. Are you ready?…, a 2-5-1 progression is commonly used at the end of songs or phrases. You can use it to turn around your songs.

Enough of that, lets get to the chords…

Here is your free 2-5-1 Chord Progression

I will be in the key of c major…

Left hand/Right hand

2- D / F,A,C,E
5- G / F,A,C,E (The only difference is that you go from D to G in your left hand)
1- C / E,G,B,D

Here is another variation of a 2-5-1...

2- D / F,A,C,E
5- G / F,A,B,E
1- C / E,G,A,D

Yet another variation of a 2-5-1...

2- D / F#,B,C,E
5- G / F,A,C,E
1- C / E,G,C

There you have it, three variations of a 2-5-1 progression. Go ahead and practice, practice, practice. Remember, the more you practice, the better you will become.

Thank you for reading this lesson, please feel free to leave a comment(s) and subscribe to my newsletters.

Written by Lucion Pennant.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why is Music Theory Important?

300 page course available from Jermaine Griggs. If you are looking for music theory, you will benefit from this course bigtime. Click here to learn more.

Knowing music theory could change the way that you play music forever!

Knowing your music theory will not only allow you to play chords, but it will allow you to know why you play the chords that you play.

This is not only true in music, but it is true in all aspects of our lives. When we know the why behind what we do, then we will be more proficient and effective in whatever we do.

Think about playing music in a more proficient and effective way. Think about playing the piano/keyboard, the drum, saxophone, (or whatever instrument you play) in a more skillful way. My friend, it starts with knowing your theory.

Knowing your theory will dramatically increase your sense of where a song is going. This is incredibly helpful if you are interested in playing for a church, playing in a band, or for personal enjoyment.

Think about writing a song and putting chords to it right away, (it’s a good feeling to be able to do that)

Think about hearing a song on the radio, and understanding what they are doing immediately. You could be able to do that if you understood music theory. If you study theory, you will discover a secret. This is the secret you will discover, certain chords lead to certain chords.

For example, a 2 chord oftentimes lead to a 5 chord, and a 5 chord is drawn to a 1 chord, thus, we have a 2-5-1 progression.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article, please feel free to leave a comment(s), and subscribe to my newsletters.

N.B. If you enjoyed this article, you will certainly enjoy this 300 page course. Click here to learn more.

Written by Lucion Pennant

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